PHD Student, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Department of Physical Education& Sport Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Department of Physical Education& Sport Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Document Type : Research Paper
Objective: Interaction analysis approach deals with the analysis of the direct and indirect impacts of key propulsion forces on a specific system to plan for its future. Therefore, the future study of participation in public sport with an interactive impact analysis approach was the main objective of this study.
Methodology: This study was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature, based on new methods of future research, analytical and exploratory science, which has been done by applying a combination of quantitative and qualitative models. The statistical population of the study consisted of executive and university elites with sufficient expertise and experience on the issue of participation in public sport. Qualitative data were obtained using open questionnaire and interviewing and reviewing the documents and quantitative data used in this study numerically and by weighting Delphi questionnaires. Final analysis was performed on 16 recursive matrices. The collected data were analyzed using Miccom software.
Results: The findings showed that the key driving forces of culture and ideology, economic and industrial, financial and human capital, participation, political and social achievement have the most influence on the future of participation in public sport. In the meantime, cultural, ideological, economic and industrial factors have had the largest share of direct and indirect impact.
Conclusion: The complexity of making changes in the field of participation in public sport is one of the most important future research challenges in the field.
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