Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sports Management, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 M.A Sport Management, Guilan University

3 guilan university



This study aimed to investigate the relationship The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the problems of Iranian immigrant athletes. The research method is quantitative-descriptive research. The statistical population of the research includes Iranian immigrant athletes, and a targeted method was used in the sampling of the research, which includes 63 people. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that includes four dimensions: economic and financial, cultural and social, emotional and psychological, legal and legal, 32 items, whose validity was confirmed by six sports management professors. Through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.89. 63 returned questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS24 and PLS3 software. The results showed that in the economic and financial component, the dependence factor of athletes' financial receipt on the result; In the cultural and social component, the Corona factor and stopping international travel and being deprived of social and cross-cultural interactions with immigrants and athletes from other cities and countries; In the emotional and psychological component, the factor of lack of social support from family, friends, etc. and in the legal component and Legally, the factor of sports punishment due to lack of familiarity with the rules and regulations of the league is considered as the highest priority of Iranian immigrant athletes. The results of the research highlight the positive role of sports participation as an important tool in the process of integration and also in determining the immigrant's identity in a new society.
