Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education, University of Eyvanekey

2 Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Physical Education Instruction, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran



Objective: The present study examines the identification and framing of strategies to improve the competitive advantage of the country's skating federation.
Methodology: Methodology: Qualitative research was conducted based on thematic analysis procedures (Brown and Clark, 2006). The statistical population of the research was formed by all experts in the field of skating who had an experience of more than 10 years, the sampling method was purposeful. Validation of the findings was investigated based on the four criteria of Lincoln and Guba (1985).
Results: The findings indicate the extraction of 5 final concepts, including "organizational development factor" which consists of (technical development of skating sports at the country level, management skills; human resources); "Networking and international relations" which consists of (development of internal relations and development of international relations); "Marketing factor" which consists of (customer-oriented; public advertising; awareness and information; attraction of financial sponsors); The "infrastructure factor" which consists of (facilities and infrastructures; educational places and spaces) and the popularization of skating which consists of (institutionalization of skating sport and development of skating among the public and families) were among the indicators. The main ways to improve competitive advantage.
Conclusion: These results can help organizations to determine their strategies to develop and expand, create and strengthen networks, and improve operational performance and support.
