Document Type : Research Paper
1 University of Allameh Tabatabaei
2 Shahid Beheshti University
Objective: In this study, researchers investigated the participation of Generation Z gamers in physical activities by emphasizing the theory of planned behavior. Therefore, the aim of the research was the effect of factors such as perceived pleasure and perceived usefulness on the attitude leading to the creation of behavioral desire in electronic sports gamers.
Methodology: In terms of nature, the present study was a correlational type of descriptive research. The community, gamers of generation Z (in the age range of 1995 to 2010) of electronic sports who were engaged professionally and amateurs in the field of electronic sports. who had at least one year of experience in this field both professionally and recreationally and were engaged in electronic sports regularly every day. 408 participants were selected as available. The measurement tool included the questionnaire of theory of planned behavior, perceived usefulness and pleasure, and perceived value. In order to analyze the data and measure the direct and indirect effectiveness of variables, structural equation modeling was used in pls4 software.
Results: According to the findings, behavioral control and mental norm had a positive and significant effect on the behavioral desire of electronic sports gamers to participate in physical activities.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the attitude as a pleasant feeling in this study strengthened the behavioral desire of the users.