PhD Student in Sports Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Department of Sports Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran
Assistant professor, Department of Sports Management, Science and research unite, Islamic Azad University
Document Type : Research Paper
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify and validate the indicators and components affecting talent identification in Iranian volleyball.
Methodology: From the paradigm perspective, research was pragmatism, mixed approach, exploratory-field nature, phenomenological and survey strategy, and applied in terms of purpose. Data collection was in the form of in-depth and semi-structured interviews (qualitative section) and questionnaires.
Results: 328 initial codes including 15 main categories and 45 central categories regarding the factors affecting talent identification in Iranian volleyball were counted. The reliability coefficient of re-coding of qualitative research was calculated to be 0.91. External and content validity in the form of CVR and CVR forms were confirmed by expert professors and the validity of the structure of the research tool was performed after the exploratory factor analysis process. Model fit with SRMR calculation equal to 0.075 which showed the optimal fit of the model.
Conclusion: Education (0.454), Academies (0.536), Principles and Exercise Design (0.235), Inter-organizational Communication (0.376), Facilities and Equipment (0.480), Family Support (0.441), National Stars and Heroes (0.348), Agents Value and attitude (0.432), Motivational factors (0.489), Legal factors (0.425), Intelligence and psychological factors (0.536), Volleyball Federation (0.543), Human resource activities (0.442), Anthropometric characteristics (0.474) as indicators And components affecting talent identification in Iranian volleyball were discovered and validated.
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