Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student in sports management of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

3 Technical and Vocational University


Objective: This research aims to conduct content analysis of court cases related to sports incidents in East Azarbaijan province during the years 2019 to 2021.
Methodology: This study serves an applied purpose, utilizing quantitative content analysis as the research method and employing a descriptive strategy. The statistical population comprises 18 cases of sports incidents registered with provincial judicial authorities, which were subjected to analysis using the researcher's coding checklist. The reliability and validity of the research tool were assessed, and data analysis was conducted using SPSS26 software.
Results: The findings indicate that team sports, particularly football, accounted for the highest number of injuries among various disciplines, with men experiencing more accidents and incidents compared to women. Among the culprits and causes of accidents, included venue officials and after that, the injured athlete represented the highest percentage. Additionally, the results highlight a low utilization of sports insurance within society.
Conclusion: To mitigate sports incidents and accidents, there is a pressing need to emphasize safety within sports environments, provide safety education, and address sports rights issues among all stakeholders, including implementers, athletes, and their families. Also, more attention is paid to sports insurance issues in order to compensate for damages caused by accidents.
