Document Type : Research Paper
1 M.A of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
2 Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
3 PhD in Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran
Objective: The development of sports at the macro level depends on the development of sport fields. Shooting sport as a medal-winning, national and religious discipline can also play an important role in this regard.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify and ranking barriers to the development of this sport in Iran.
Methodology: The method of the present research is a mixed and consecutive exploratory design. The qualitative phase was performed using thematic analysis method and the quantitative phase was performed using Savara ranking technique. Statistical population includes; they were experts in the field of shooting in Iran and the content analysis method was used to analyze the data and the SWARA method was used to rank the obstacles. Participants in the qualitative stage included 12 athletes, coaches, judges and executives in the field of shooting, and in the quantitative section included 6 of the same people.
Results: The results showed that the main obstacles to the development of shooting discipline in Iran include a total of 127 key subcategories in the form of 17 sub-themes, which in order of priority, in 6 main themes; Economic, supportive, facilities and equipment, managerial, social, cultural and human barriers are categorized.
Conclusion: The development of the field of shooting in Iran requires full knowledge of the relevant managers of economic, support, facilities and equipment, management, social, cultural and human barriers as obstacles to the development of this field and the development of a strategic plan to eliminate and facilitate them.
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