Document Type : Research Paper
1 Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 Ph.D. of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
3 M.A. of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.
Objective: The purpose of this study is the effect of social media personalization on loyalty with the mediating role of perceived value and brand attachment among fans of Persepolis Football Club
Methodology: The research method was descriptive-correlation in terms of time, cross-sectional and in terms of data collection, quantitatively, in terms of the study, was a sample of the population. The statistical population of this study included all fans of Persepolis team. Sample Power software was used to estimate the sample size, and finally 348 were collected. Measurement tools: Media personalization questionnaire was used by Serini Vasan et al. (2002), brand loyalty and perceived value by Yu and Dante (2001) and brand attachment to Thomason et al. (2005).
Results: Findings showed that personalization of social media had a significant effect on brand loyalty, perceived value and brand attachment (p <0.05), brand attachment had a significant effect on brand loyalty (p <0.05). Perceived value affected brand loyalty (p <0.05). Finally, the indirect effect of social media personalization on brand loyalty with the mediating role of perceived value and brand attachment was confirmed (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Media personalization should be part of a successful marketing and advertising strategy of sports clubs, based on which media personalization has positive results in loyalty, perceived value and brand attachment. Thus, personalization allows clubs to adjust their interaction with users to highlight the specific product in which the user has researched, and also increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer retention.
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