Document Type : Research Paper
1 MA of Sport Management, Dept of Physical Education, Science And Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Dept of Physical Education, Science And Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 Assistant Professor Department of sport management, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Objectives: purpose of the this study was to map the relationship between good governance and the general trust of the staff of the Municipal Sports Organization, considering the variables of the mediator of silence and organizational vocal.
Methodology: The research method was descriptive-analytic and correlation. The statistical population of the study was employees of the Municipal Sports Organization. Morgan table was used to estimate the sample size. The sample size was 317 and the random sampling method was simple. To collect the data, we used the good governance scale of Moghimi, Ardakani(2011), Nargesyan et al, Public trust(1394), organizational silence, Vakola & Bouradas(2005), Hammas organizational voice(2012).
Results: The results showed that good governance had a negative and adverse effect on silence and silence had a negative and adverse effect on employees 'public trust and also had a positive and significant effect on employees' public trust. In addition, the research model on the relationship between good governance and general confidence of the staff of the municipality sports organization with regard to the mediating role of silence and organizational sound, has a good fit.
Conclusion: director, with the provocation of the organizational voice of the staff, understands their needs and, in the event of accountability and problem solving, automatically eliminates the collective problems and demands of the employees who are silently organized, due to the elimination of problems and ambiguities, even with their silence has not changed, their public confidence will increase and the negative impact of their silence on their public confidence will be eliminated.
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