
1 Assistant Professor and faculty member, Shahrood University of Technology

2 Professor in Physical Education Management, Urmia University

3 Assistant Professor and faculty member, University of Tabriz


Objective: The maturity of knowledge management is considered as an essential management activity for businesses. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the elemental structure and standardizing the Maturity of knowledge Management Based on Business Strategies Questionnaire.
Methodology: This study is a field research and is based on objective, applied and research-development, and has been conducted in a non-experimental way. To investigate the factor structure and standardize the questionnaire, 282 people among all the elite sports management and specialists from the entire sports and youth departments of the country Responded To The Maturity of Knowledge Management Questionnaire Based on Business Strategies Jami Pour et al. (1393). The method Multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOSE software.
Results: The results showed that, Factor analysis of first order and second order showed that all factor loads were greater than 0.4 and were significant at 95% probability level. Therefore, the construct validity of the indicators of the strategic, human-organizational and technical-content categories is established and no item is deleted.
Conclusion: According to the results of this research, the maturity of knowledge management questionnaire, along with business strategies, has the characteristics needed to apply knowledge research in business.


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