Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport science research institute

2 professor, Tarbiat Modares university

3 Associate professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Objective: The aim of this research was to design a model of market orientation to affect customer behavior and service quality in water recreational sport centers.
Methodology: The research type was applied and descriptive. Statistical populations was the individuals in water sport centers which five biggest centers were selected. Sampling method was stratified and there were two groups including customers and staff. The tools were questionnaire, interview, observation, and library study. Data was analyzed using SEM method with by AMOS and SPSS software.
Results: Results showed market orientation did not have directly significant influence on customer behavior, but had influence on service quality and this variable can be considered as a mediator between market orientation and customer behavior.  Also, market orientation culture had greater impact on service quality in comparison with market intelligence. Among components of service quality, proportionality variable had greatest regression weight. There was significant relationship between market intelligence and market orientation culture.
Conclusion: To develop the marketing strategies, sport center managers should consider the factors such as customer orientation, competitor orientation, inter functional coordination, and knowledge of the market environment. In order to develop service quality, they should improve innovation, creativity, and attractiveness in their operations.
