Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University Of Eslamshahr

2 Associate Professor,Ferdosi University Of Mashhad

3 Professor, University Of payam Noor

4 Assistant Professor, payam Noor University Of Mashhad


Objective: This study aims to predict organizational entrepreneurship of Sports and Youth Ministry managers and experts based on emotional and cultural intelligence.
Methodology: The study is practical and correlational plan. 273 managers and experts of Sport and Youth Ministry were selected as sample. Subjects completed three questionnaires of Ang’s cultural intelligence, Shering’s emotional intelligence and Marguerite Hill’s organizational entrepreneurship and their reliability were determined as 0.78, 0.87, and 0.82 respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression).
Results: The study results showed that there is a positive relationship between organizational entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence (r=0.30) and cultural intelligence (r=0.29). Results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that all aspects of cultural intelligence (cognitive (ß =-0.21), meta-cognitive (ß=0.17), motivation (ß=0.20) and behavioral (ß=0.18) dimensions) are good predictors of organizational entrepreneurship, while only two dimensions of emotional intelligence (self-awareness (ß =0.19), and self-management (ß=0.19)) can predict organizational entrepreneurship.
Conclution: In summary, emotional and cultural intelligence affects organizational entrepreneurship; and Sports and Youth Ministry managers and experts can increase organizational entrepreneurship rate to some extends using these major types of intelligence.
