Document Type : Research Paper
Objective: The aim of this study was identification and codifying Ethical Standards for Iran faculty Members of Physical Education and Sport Sciences from the students’ perspective.
Methodology: Statistical population of this study involved 15 thousand students of Physical Education throughout Iran that 1018 students were selected randomly. Measuring instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire, including 41 questions in five-value Likert scale. The data analyzed by Exploratory factor analysis used to determine factors. Factor analysis approach used to approve the model by determining relationship between questions with factors and factors with ethics Standard. Single sample t-test was used for analyzing the status of questions. Finally Freidman test was used for prioritization of questions and factors.
Results: Using exploratory factor analysis 32 questions were confirmed by using varimax rotation. Furthermore, the questions set in six factors including, group activities 13.131, verbal and behavioral honesty 12.793, Deontology 11.577, professional behavior 9.576, scientific-research commitment 8.779 and financial responsibilities 7.699 in which predictive power of questions based on the total variance were % 63.555. Reliability of the questionnaire’s factors was between 0.73- 0.88 and total reliability was 0.84. Considering questions and factors, all of the questions had a significant relation with their factors (T value=1.96). Goodness-fit test showed that x2 / df ratio was 3.84 and RMSEA was 0.053. Also all the factors had a significant relationship with the concept of ethics standard (T value=1.96).
Conclusion: Compilation of the ethical Standard which is derived from the religious principles and national culture can help the scientific community of physical education of Iran.