Document Type : Research Paper


1 بابلسر. خ دانشگاه

2 University of Mazandaran

3 faculty member



Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the phenomenon of migration of elite human capital in the country's sports.
Methodology: It is a qualitative research method (data base theory). The statistical population of this research includes experts, experts, professors and trainers in the field of this research. Snowball sampling method was used for in-depth interviews. The research tool was an interview that was conducted with 15 people. The validity of the research tool (interview) was examined and confirmed by the interviewees and then the expert professors, and the intra-subject agreement method was used to measure the reliability, and according to this method, the reliability value was equal to 0.81. In order to analyze the data, the data-based theory method was used.
Findings: Based on the findings of the current research, the determining factors in the migration of the country's sports elites include: causal factors (weak job position in the society and inefficient management system), background factors (economic-political problems and socio-cultural problems), intervening factors (individual and environmental characteristics), strategies (improving the infrastructural condition of the country's sports and improving the social condition of the society) and finally the consequences of this research (decreasing the quality of championship sports and lack of suitable sports model in the society). These categories themselves include 18 concepts and several agents or open codes.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, we conclude by emphasizing the findings of the research and the identified challenges, macro policies and effective measures
