Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz: Iran

2 M.A., Charkh Niloufar Non-Profit University, Tabriz, Iran.



Objective: The aim of the present study was to provide a conceptual framework for promoting morning citizen sports in the women's community.
Methodology: The present research is a practical qualitative study using grounded theory data analysis method. The statistical population of the study included sports management professors, managers, and experienced experts of the East Azerbaijan Sports and Youth Administration, as well as experts in the field of women's sports. The sample was selected from among the members of the community using purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. The research tool was a semi-structured interview with 17 research experts, which continued until theoretical saturation was reached. The validity of the research was confirmed by relevant experts, and the reliability of the research was obtained using the intra-subjective agreement method, which was 83%.
Results: Content analysis of the research interviews identified five main categories and 13 concepts in the section on barriers and challenges to women’s participation in morning exercise. In this section, the concept of family cultural level had the highest frequency, with an importance score of 29. Additionally, in the section on factors influencing participation, eight main categories and 12 concepts were identified, with the concept of women’s perception and self-awareness holding the highest significance score of 21 among other concepts.
Conclusion: To increase women’s participation in morning exercise, comprehensive actions at individual and social levels are essential to foster a sense of security and social cohesion, thereby encouraging greater female involvement.
