Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of sports management, Borujerd branch, Islamic azad university, Borujerd, Iran

2 Associate professor of sports management, Borujerd branch, Islamic azad university, Borujerd, Iran

3 Assistant professor of sports management, Qom branch, Islamic azad university, Qom, Iran


Objective:The purpose of this study is the role of sports tourism development on employment of sport sciences graduates.
Methodology:The method of the present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of the purpose of the type of applied research and how to collect information in the field and in the period from 1397 to 1398.The statistical population studied in this study consisted of all professors of sports management and tourism and entrepreneurship activists.The sampling method is stratified-cluster and 294 people were selected based on Cochran's formula as research samples Data collection tool was a questionnaire taken from Isfahani Thesis(2009) whose content validity was confirmed by 8 professors in the field of tourism and sports entrepreneurship and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method of 0.88. SPSS and Lisrel software were used to evaluate the confirmatory factor analysis,respectively.
Results:The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that seasonal and part-time employment of sports science graduates can be directly and indirectly confirmed, but on the contrary,their direct and permanent and indirect and permanent employment can be confirmed in the approval model. It cannot be reported. The seasonal phenomenon of employment in the sports tourism industry,in addition to affecting the direct jobs of sports tourism, is also effective in indirect jobs related to the sports tourism industry.
Conclusion:the development of sports tourism industry leads to temporary and seasonal employment and due to the nature of this industry,the employment rate is permanently low,which confirms the results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the present research questionnaire.


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