Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, University of Technology, Kermanshah, Iran


Objective: The aim was investigating the economic effects and development of a scenario of women's presence on the development of the economy of Premier League football for the horizon of the year 1416.
Methodology: Through 25 interviews with experts and specialists, the factors affecting the financial strength of the league were identified. Based on the causal circle diagrams based on the interviews and research background, the drawing and financial capacity of the league was considered as a mode variable.
Results: The dynamic system model of women's participation policy in league matches was designed based on identified factors. The economic conditions of the two leagues were estimated based on the current trend for the next few years, and then the appropriate strategic strategy for estimating the presence of women in all competitions on the league economy was approved.
Conclusion: With the decreasing trend of spectators and the economic crisis, the presence of women in the Premier Football League can be provided to the league organization, the football federation and sports clubs as an important strategic strategy in solving this problem.
