Associate Professor of Sport Management, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
M.A in Sport Marketing Management, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
Document Type : Research Paper
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the anti-brand community in professional Football in Iran by studying Esteghlal and Persepolis teams Fans in social networks.
Methodology: The research method was qualitative (Grounded Theory). The population consisted of sports marketing experts and professors and social media managers and fans. The statistical sample was selected based on theoretical saturation (17 subjects and 63 documents) by purposive and accessible method. In-depth interviews were used for data collection and three coding steps were used for data analysis using Maxqda software.
Results: The main perspectives of analyzing the anti-brand behavior of Esteghlal and Persepolis Fans included four approaches of behavior, causes, strategy and outcome that formed a structural model. The results showed that anti-brand behaviors included both positive and negative behaviors. Causes of behavior involving cultural-social, sport, individual, and structural dimensions; coping strategies include two marketing and branding and training and culturalization approaches and possible consequences include both behavioral-cultural and commercial and managerial perspectives.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be said that the anti-brand behavior of Fans of the country's top Teams in social media has a variety of different types and causes that had different consequences. Therefore, it requires a variety of diverse and appropriate strategies and solutions.
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