Assistant Professor, University of Qom,Qom, Iran
Assistant Professor, University of Qom
M.A Sport Management, University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Assistant Professor, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran
Document Type : Research Paper
Objective The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the credibility of consumers of non-sport products based on the role of sports celebrity endorsers with trust, re-purchasing and loyalty.
Methodology :This study was conducted as a survey of applied research. The research sample consisted of 400 consumers of non-sport products in shopping centers and stores in Isfahan which were selected as available. The measuring instrument consisted of Kurdlo et al. (2015) questionnaire for trustworthiness of advertising, questionnaire on product trust and re-purchase and customer loyalty questionnaire.The face and content validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by a survey of several sports management experts and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha. (Cronbach's alpha is ./91, ./70, ./75 , ./88). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (central tendency and dispersion indices) and inferential (structural equation test) and analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software.
Results:The findings showed that the product information had the most impact on the non-sports product advertising and the advertising of non-sport products by sports endorsers from the point of view of customers affects the trust in products.
Conclusion:Based on the findings, non-sport product producers can be used to advertise their products in order to attract more consumer confidence from sports endorsers.
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