1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
2 Professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan
3 Ph.D in Sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
4 Ph.D in sport management, University of Guilan
Objective: The main purpose of this paper is to assess factors affecting on the satisfaction of athletes in earlier studies in Iran.
Methodology: This study is a meta-analysis. The population of research was all scientific-research papers in area of the athletes' satisfaction in Iran that 28 articles were selected with this criterion. Also, these articles were analyzed with the software CMA2.
Results: The results of a systematic review showed that all researches in this field has been mainly descriptive - analytical and diversity of methods is low. Among the factors influencing on satisfaction of athletes, the leadership style and the power of coach were the most influential factors. Also, the results showed that the leadership styles of teaching and practice (effect size =0.5) and positive feedback (effect size= 0.33) , reward power (effect size =0.32) and expert power of coach (effect size =0.30) Respectively had the greatest impact on athletes' satisfaction.
Discussion & Conclusion: In General or Generally, the leadership styles of teaching and practice and positive feedback, and power of coach have the most impact on athletes' satisfaction. Thus, Iranian coaches can satisfy athletes by combination of these leadership styles and reward power.
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