Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor in Sport Management, ,Department of Physical Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
The aim of this study was to identify and rank the policies and procedures of educational sports at the time of the crisis (case study: prevalence of Covid 19 virus in Iran).
Methodology: The present research method was survey. The statistical population of the present study included experts familiar with the subject of research. Based on the selection of snowballs, 21 people were identified as the research sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire . In order to prioritize the policies and procedures regarding educational sports, the TOPSIS method was used due to the prevalence of Covid-19 virus
Results: The results of this research showed that the number of 18 executive policies and procedures regarding educational sports were identified . that the leveling of sports training provided in the media and virtual space is the most important policy and the use of popular athletes for sports training and the matching of sports training with the existing facilities and spaces for all groups and individuals, other policies And executive procedures were important in this regard.
Conclusion: It seems that educational leveling in educational sports makes distance virtual education practical. For many teenagers and young people, popular athletes are suitable models for identification and internalization, and according to the disparities in students' facilities, the matching of training with the conditions and facilities of different groups will facilitate learning. Therefore, paying attention to these policies and procedures can smooth the success of virtual and distance education in educational sports.