Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student of Sports Management, Mazandaran University

2 University of Mazandaran

3 Professor Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran



Objective: The purpose of this study was to design a modeling of factors affecting the migration sports elites in Iran.
Methodology: This research aims to be developmental-applicative, and in terms of nature, it is mixed (qualitative-quantitative) with a combined exploratory-sequential design. The target community of the research was experts who were aware of the research topic. In order to conduct in-depth interviews and collect qualitative data from the targeted snowball technique until the theoretical saturation stage, 17 people were selected as a sample and to complete the researcher-made questionnaires in quantitative section, a sample of 5 people was suggested. Using the thematic analysis method based on the model of Braun and Clark (2006), the effective factors on the migration of sport selites were identified and then modeling was done structural-interpretive analysis (ISM) use.
Results: 148 primary concepts were identified in the form of 30 sub-themes and 13 main themes and two general dimensions of repulsive factors and attractive factors affecting the migration of sports elites. These factors are in the sixlevels of the structural-interpretive model consisting of the inefficient management system factor in the sixthlevel, political instability and defective economic structure fifthlevel, the foresight of the elites in the fourthlevel, factors The development of life dimensions, financial attractions of the destination country and role modeling in the thirdlevel, media power factors, inappropriate location of the country of origin, limited beliefs and thoughts, incorrect selection process and sports development in the second level and the migration acceptability factor of the inappropriate
