

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explain the confirmatory factor analyses of a scale provided for the selection of Iranian national coaches.
Methods: The method of this study was descriptive and survey type. The scale designed for selecting coaches was prepared by compiling the list of effective variables on coach selection and conducting a confirmatory study. The study instrumrnt was a questionnaire consisting 25 components. Its content and face validity were confirmed by faculty members. Coronbachs’ Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire (p<0.01). Four hundred fifty people consisting of elite athletes and coaches, managers with high experience in sports, experts and professors were used as the statistical sample and finally, 407 questionnaires were completed.
Results: The results indicated that the scale for Iranian national sport coach selection consisted of 4 factors. Each of factors, variables and factorial loading of each variable, the most important factors and the impact of each factor were determined. Based on confirmatory study the resulting structure of exploratory factor analysis was confirmed and finally the path analysis model was approved. According to this model, the Iranian national sport coach selection norms were leadership skills including communication skills, specific skills and technical skills (technical experience and operational capacity). According to the path analysis model, the leadership skills factor and technical skills factor have bilinear correlation together (0.92).
Conclusion: The high correlation of leadership skills and technical skills indicated that if the coach were lacking in each of them, they can invest in and improve other factor. The present model is similar to Lean & jesk’s model (1993) and it can be used for selection of national coaches.
Key words: Technical skills, Communicational skills, Leadership skills.
